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Customer supporter service online jobs | remote work from home online jobs
USA based companay is looking for suitable candidtes for customer servise represent work from home . candidtaes must live in this area can apply Arizona,Arkanas,IDHo,Lowa , montana , texas , Oklamoha , johnsan city and try area must live so can be apply to apply for reomet jobs work from home .
Hourly paid will be given 13.05$
Full time jobs
Its full time paid training will be given per hour 13.05$ to the candidates by USA company .
Company details are givemn below :
Majroal support clint all over the world will be succsefully their customer relationship .more then 48k employes in 28 countries designed and & implement customize solutions .
Jobs post details are given below :
The first class support to thie customer related the delivery management ,shipping investigation inbound returns .
Assits customer by calling answering quareis
Maintain all required data
Jobs requirement :
High school diploma
Custmomre focus
Experience in order mangment
Proffesional computer litreat
Strong team player
Good communication skills
English verbal strong
Present work profeshnaly
For apply online click below :apply now